Wednesday, June 13, 2012

VBS and Craziness

Last week was VBS for Hailey and Christopher. We usually go to a small VBS, but this year we decided to try out the bug one in town. Well, I don’t think I will make that mistake again. It was sensory overload for both kids. They did have fun, but by the time they got home, they were out of control, and bickering. Neither of them fought me on a nap which is crazy since neither of them take naps anymore. By the time Friday arrived (the last day of VBS) I decided I They couldn’t take it anymore, so we stayed home.

Turns out it was a good thing we stayed home because, someone left a light on in the van, and it was dead as a doornail. So, we were stuck at home anyways. We did a lot of cleaning, and we created a Mud Kitchen outside in the dirt pit. The kids loved playing in the mud with their new wooden bowls, and frying pans.

Saturday we had a busy bag exchange. This was our second exchange. Everyone seemed way more comfortable with the things they made. To be honest the bags were better this time. I think people finally grasped the concept. There were a few new ladies there, and I always like meeting new people. One of the ladies had brought her kids with her. Hailey and her little girl hit it off right away. Sammy, and her Sam played together after a brief argument about their names being the same. LOL. Eventually Christopher and her middle son began playing together. They stayed a few hours after everyone left, and it was really nice getting to know her.

We spent several days in the house after that due to rain. Me and the kids were getting stir crazy, so today we loaded up and went to the park. (more to come in the next post)


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